Ceramics and Installation Art

Welcome to Thomas' Art

I am excited to have my own website to showcase my art. We are still building features and adding content, stay tuned and let me know what you think.

Also, feel free to leave comments. Even better, create an account and don't be a stranger!

DOOD...Its Landscape

pit fired forms made from press molded earthenware.
18x96x5 inches
For Sale


hand built earthenware form constructed from slabs.
earthenware, underglaze, lowfire glaze
20x10x5 inches
For Sale


Thunker sculpture front view - Thomas Weber, Ceramics and Installation Art
hand built earthenware abstracted figure
earthenware, underglaze, lowfire glaze
14x18x12 inches
For Sale

Dood Pot

press molded and hand built earthenware non-functional teapot.
earthenware, underglaze, lowfire glaze
18x12x6 inches
For Sale

Rotten and Forgotten

slab constructed earthenware forms
earthenware, stain and lowfire glaze
20x24x7 inches
For Sale


front view of black spike breaking through wall
Riding my bike around San Diego I realized just how many cars on the road contain only one person, so I coined the phrase "Driving the world ragged...one by one." Although the end result is not much related to the initial idea, the phrase was a stepping stone along the way to creating this piece. This piece was in a student show titled Umptious Fridays in the Flor y Canto Gallery at San Diego State University from November 14-19, 2009.
wood, plaster, cardboard, asphalt and paint
3x6x2 feet
Not For Sale


graffiti with 3D additions
The final form of the public art wall after three semesters of rebuilding. This time nobody painted on it...kind of tragic.
wood, metal, plaster cloth, spray paint, liquid asphalt, refrigerator, and chalk
35x10 feet
San Diego State University sculpture department.
Not For Sale

The Structure of Hearts

extruded clay rod sculpture with human hearts
Extruded rod used to create a geometric structure with incorporated human hearts.
cone 10 fired clay
14x18x14 inches
Not For Sale


ceramics sculpture of pregnant woman
Pregnant woman carrying a baby that has already been judged to become a failure.
cone 10 fired clay
9x14.5x5 inches
For Sale