Ceramics and Installation Art


front view of ceramic sculpture of punk chick with colorful surface decoration
side view of ceramic sculpture of punk chick with colorful surface decoration
rear view of ceramic sculpture of punk chick with colorful surface decoration
face shot of ceramic sculpture of punk chick with colorful surface decorati
front shot of ceramic sculpture of punk chick with colorful surface decorati
Punk chick struggling to emerge from graffiti letters. Painted with acrylic and adorned with surgical steel piercings and eye lashes.
cone 6 fired clay, acrylic, surgical steel
24.5x25x32 inches
For Sale

Ceramics Portfolio

ceramics sculpture of femal nude
ceramics sculpture of femal nude with open head
ceramics sculpture of pregnant woman
Ceramic breast plate, sculpted and adorned
unglazed stoneware bust
geometric lattice work with hearts